Faith and community leaders are facing historic challenges requiring creativity, strength, and resilience. In this series of free, one-hour webinars, experienced specialists in crisis response, recovery, mental health, and congregational & family life offer their expertise to help leaders gain new skills and knowledge to face the difficult crises impacting our communities.

Detailed Schedule
March 1, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
Running on Fumes: Faith Leaders and the Cumulative Cost of Compassion
Presenter: Rev. Pamela G. Holt, Regional Minister, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma.
March 8, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
The First 48 Hours: Spiritual Caregivers as First Responders
The first 48 hours are critical to the recovery of trauma victims. First responders make the difference between life and death for trauma victims. But what is often not recognized is that when traumatic incidents occur, spiritual caregivers are often among those first on the scene. For these caregivers response should also help propel survivors toward positive transformation. This book focuses on critical responses that are key in the aftermath of natural disaster, community violence, personal injury, and crime. These basics include: the power of presence, safety, assessment and triage, how we help, putting the pieces together, telling the story, hope, and caring in the long haul.
Presenter: Rev. Dr. Kevin Ellers, D.Min., president and founder of the Institute for Compassionate Care and RESET Life Coaching
March 15, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
Embracing God's Future without Forgetting the Past: A Conversation about Loss, Grief, and Nostalgia in Congregational Life
Many congregations today are dealing with changes that have led to decline and significant loss. Until a congregation comes to terms with its perceived losses through a healthy process of grief, it will be paralyzed in the present and unable to think creatively about the future. Acknowledging and expressing grief will give the congregation the courage to redefine its relationship with the past and draw strength and encouragement from its memories as it steps into the future. Drawing on more than thirty years of ministry experience in varied settings and concurrent study and teaching about loss, grief, and nostalgia, Girlinghouse discusses how clergy, church staff, and lay leaders can work through the experience of loss and grief, both personally and in their congregation.
Presenter: Bishop Michael K. Girlinghouse, bishop of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
March 22, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
Taking the Long View with Faith
Explore the themes of challenge, resilience and hope through the lens of Jewish history and text.
Presenter: Rabbi Vered Harris, Temple B’Nai Israel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 29, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
Increasing Your Racial Justice I.Q.
Presenter: Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, Associate General Minister, Wider Church Ministries and Operations Co-Executive for Global Ministries, United Church of Christ
April 5, 2022 (Tuesday), 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern (10:00 am Central)
What Emergency Managers Want Faith Leaders To Know
Being prepared to respond to a disaster or other significant event in your communities is paramount to best taking care of your people and property. This session will provide you with some key take-aways and resources to help you achieve a better preparedness posture.
Presenter: Miriam Gelo, Voluntary Agency Liaison, FEMA Headquarters, Washington D.C.